About Us

Welcome to Okanagan Beekeeping Supplies

We are here to serve our local beekeeping community. 


Okanagan Beekeeping Supplies got its start in 2016. We had been running Ingram Farms (our beekeeping operation), for several years at this time.  Ingram Farms sold nucleus colonies locally and many of our customers for the nucleus colonies were in need of equipment as well. This lead us to the realization that there was an opportunity to expand what we were doing.

For most of 2016 we operated out of an 80 sq. ft. fruit stall on our farm.  We only had a few items in stock at this  time - frames, foundation and some woodenware. Once things settled down in the fall we renovated one half of the garage on the property and moved the bee store into it in early 2017. The other half of the garage was used to produce the wooden ware that we carry in the store.

In June 2019, a fire (started on the adjoining property), nearly burned down the store and wood shop. Fortunately, our local fire department was quick to respond and the fire only damaged one corner of the wood shop and the store was only shut down for a couple of days.  Unfortunately, the wood shop was in need of extensive repairs and this wasn't completed until spring of the following year.

In July of 2021 we moved the store out of the garage and into its new bigger location on the property. 

Useful links for Okanagan Beekeepers:

North Okanagan Beekeepers Club

BC Honey Producers